


Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : 45, Gangadhar Meher Marg, Opposite FAL Heights, BDA Colony, Doordarshan Colony, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751013, India

It is our super permium project in bbsr in patia area .and it is an under construction project .and it’s poisioning time is 2 years.

Mention Property_Display when calling seller to get a good deal




45, Gangadhar Meher Marg, Opposite FAL Heights, BDA Colony, Doordarshan Colony, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751013, India


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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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